The 2nd edition of theweek

from 20 to 29 September 2024

The pride of the organic farmer

The « Vereenegung fir Biolandwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l. » is organising the 2nd edition of the organic week « Dem BIO-Bauer säi ganze Stolz » in 2024, between 20 and 29 September, with the support of the « Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et de la Viticulture and the « Direction de la protection des consommateurs ». The organic week is a large-scale awareness-raising campaign dedicated to organic farming and its products. The aim is to present the whole of the organic sector, to introduce consumers to Luxembourg's natural and purely organic food products, and to work with as many partners as possible to strengthen the organic sector.

Where is the nearest organic farmer who can sell me his organic products? That's the main
question this campaign is trying to answer. The campaign uses signposts to show you where
the organic farms are located in Luxembourg. For this edition, many farmers are once again
inviting visitors to an open day on their farm. In the canteens and restaurants of secondary
schools, many organic products are on offer and pupils are given information on the organic
theme by the organic farmers themselves.

Take part in the BIO week from 20 September - 29 September 2024.

Visit our organic farmers on their farms, take part in one or more events and cook and enjoy organic food from here in Luxembourg.

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